05 September, 2012

Water And Herbalife Diet

Water, one of the five elements of the nature, is also one of the essential elements required by the human body. Blood, Muscles, brain, lungs and other vital organs contain water and this water level has to be maintained through regular inputs of water by mouth.

Major ways in which we lose water are: Urination, perspiration, tears, vomiting, diarrhoea and processing of toxins by the liver.

Percentages of water found in our vital organs:

  • Brain, Kidney: 80-85%
  • Blood, lungs: 80-90%
  • Heart, Skin: 75-80%
  • Liver, Muscle: 70-75%
  • Bones: 20-25%
  • Teeth: 8-10%

 What does water do to our body:


Vital organs:

  1. Brain requires to stay hydrated enough for normal functioning. Lack of water gives rise to those idiopathic headaches. 
  2.  Water is the containing medium for electrolytes and other ions that help to form electrical pathways for nerve functions. 
  3.  Liver is responsible for converting fat into energy. A well-hydrated liver can get the process without any hinderance. 
  4.  Liver filters blood and removes the toxins. Dehydration can cause the blood to thicken up and hinder in liver’s detoxification abilities. 
  5.  Toxins built up in the body due to burning of calories can hinder kidney, liver and bowel function.

Bones and Muscles:

  1. Water keeps the joint fluids hydrated and contributes to the lubrication of the joints.
  2. Well hydrated muscles help in faster metabolism of fat.
  3. Proper hydration can help reduce muscle and joint soreness when exercising.
  4. Reduces the stress on the heart muscles and help in smooth functioning of the heart.

Sense organs

  1. Water helps to keep mucosal membranes from drying out and provides the required moist environment for ear, nose and throat issues. 
  2. Provides natural moisture in skin tissue. 
  3. Helps maintaining skin health and texture.

 Overall Body:

  1. Helps in maintaining body temperature. 
  2. Burning calories creates toxins and water plays a vital role in flushing them out of your body. 
  3. Helps improve immunity by increasing the cellular function. 
  4. Promotes cellular reproduction. 
  5. Supports healthy growth of hair and nails.


  1. Helps maintain normal blood flow thus ensuring proper delivery of body fluids and oxygen.
  2. Optimal thickness of blood helps smooth functioning of vital organs such as liver and kidney.


  1.  A healthy diet includes a good amount of fiber. However, this fiber needs to be eliminated to prevent constipation and deposition. Only water can wash this out.
  2.  Water aids in digestion and easy absorption of nutrients.
  3. Water suppresses food-cravings and makes you eat only when you are really hungry.
  4. Water stabilizes optimal digestive and elimination processes by mobilizing the food in the intestines and bowels.

A professor of Physiology at University of Connecticut, lead study researcher and hydration expert with over 20 years experience says that our thirst sensation does not really appear until we are 1 to 2% dehydrated. Being 2% dehydrated can seriously degrade physical and mental functions. Effects of mild dehydration include Fatigue, Muscle weakness, Poor concentration, Headaches, Lightheadedness, Lethargy and decreased metabolism. 

Experts are of the opinion that on an average, every 20 kilograms of your body weight requires 1 liter of water. So, if you weigh around 65 kgs, then go for 3.5 liters consumed in small quantities throughout the day.
Water required for average people and for those who are physically active: